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    The EC's EUREKA programme aims at raising the productivity and competitiveness of businesses through R&D and innovation funding via Network projects, Globalstars, Eurostars and Clusters programmes. Managed in the UK by UKRI and Innovate UK

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    European Climate Foundation

    Independent philanthropic initiative working to help tackle the climate crisis by fostering the development of a net zero emissions society at the national, European and global level.

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    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – London

    Grant funding to create jobs and support business growth, science and technology and infrastructure in London. PA4 has a specific emphasis on low carbon growth

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    European Social Fund (ESF) – London

    Grant funding to support skills and employment in London based on the key priority areas detailed in the 2014-20 ESIF Strategy for London.

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    Funding Scaleup Entreprise (FSE) Group

    Provides debt and equity funds for SMEs and mange a range of LEP funds including loan element of the GLIF.
